Want to train any day of the year, whether it’s pouring, freezing, sweltering, or a beautiful day for baseball? Here at BreakAway Speed, we have a state-of-the-art indoor baseball facility so that you can work on your skills and play games whenever you want. It’s a stunning building with the advantages of modern design, combined with that classic set up of a baseball diamond, making it the best training facility you’re going to find in Houston.

Team Play

If you’re interested in baseball training facilities because you want to join a team, you’ll be glad to know that we have a ton of team play options for players at every skill and experience level. These are popular, so there are tryouts, but making the team gives you a chance to use these baseball facilities in the way you envisioned to best hone your skills. Our teams will help you get ready for any league, even college or professional leagues. Train and play in the off-season so that you’re ready to step out of the indoor baseball field and onto your normal diamond when the season kicks off, without missing a beat.

Training Sessions

Of course, not everyone in Houston wants to go to an indoor baseball facility and hop right on a team. We also have training sessions and classes you can use to work on much more specific skills. We have batting cages, open turf to practice fielding, diamonds where you can work on throwing strikes right down through the zone, and much else. You can train on your own, without your teammates, so that you’re ready to go when you rejoin the team for competitive play. Many players prefer this more specific, direct training at our baseball training facilities because they can focus on the exact things they need to work on, rather than just reacting to live play.

Training Sessions Incredible Instructors

At our indoor baseball facility in Houston, we also have world-class trainers who can work with you on these skills. Want to learn how to throw a harder fastball? Interested learning how to field any hit? Trying to work on your bat speed so you can get it around quickly, with more force, to drive the ball out of the stadium? Our baseball training facilities give you an awesome place to work on every aspect of your game, and our trainers can walk you through the best drills to increase your skills and hammer home those fundamentals.

Our instructors will also be glad to work with you on overall fitness at the baseball facilities, which can vastly improve your game. Some areas of focus you may be interested in are speed training, weight training, and cardio training. As you get into the best shape of your life at our indoor baseball facilities, you’ll find that your stats also get better and your skills increase across the board.

Call Now

Year ‘round training is required if you want to be the best, and our indoor baseball facility makes it possible. To find out more, just call us right now at 713-432-7333.

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    8715 West Loop South Ste. , Houston, Texas

    MON – THU:

    09:00 am – 09:00 pm

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    09:00 am – 08:00 pm


    01:00 pm – 06:00 pm

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